Enjoy a warm, cozy bathroom

Floor heating will make your bathroom extra cozy and comfortable before or after you spend time outside in the blustery New York winter.

It’s an especially good option to consider if you are remodeling the bathroom and planning to change the flooring anyway.

Floor heating, of course, can be installed throughout a home, but a bathroom is a great place to start.

The upfront cost of materials and labor is higher than other heating systems, but the energy efficiency will pay off in the long run.

• Remember: Heat rises, so you will get a full cover of warm air as it wafts up from the floor.

• Floor heat requires less energy, which means you have more money for yourself at the end of the month.

• With the heat source on the floor, your bathroom will feel larger and eliminate the need for a radiator or other heating device.

• Floor heaters need virtually no maintenance!

Call Premier HVAC and we will be glad to tell you how we can install floor heating for you.  (718) 395-2627