Heat pump installation in NYC. What could go wrong?

Here are three tips to help with the installation of the heat pump you chose for your home or business.

Check with your contractor to make sure he is prepared to handle these issues properly.


With New York winters, you want the outdoor system mounted on a platform 6 inches to a foot above ground – and above snow that can cause a malfunction. The unit also needs room to breathe – at least a two-foot radius free of shrubs or other items that could inhibit air flow.

The condenser – the outside unit – should be placed away from tree limbs, eaves and other overhangs that will drip ice and rain on it.

An accumulation of ice or snow on the heat pump can hurt its efficiency and even cause it to stop entirely.


Entry points for wires going into the house should be sealed to prevent air leaks and to keep rodents from worming their way inside.


You want a good slope on the condensate drain line.

What? Why?

The heat pump creates moisture as it dehumidifies the air. The condensate line, a pipe, drains this unwanted moisture from the home.  It needs a slope – or angle – that will carry the water a long distance and not let it puddle outside your home.