A tankless water heater saves energy, but it needs some care to maintain its efficiency. Otherwise, like a car without adequate oil changes, it runs down.
Here are some steps you can take after you turn off the power or the gas to your water heater:
You want to remove any sediment that has accumulated in the system. Attach a hose to the drain valve and let water run through the system until the water is clear.
The manual for your tankless water heater should have details of the best way to do this. (The manual will also emphasize the need for more frequent flushing if the water is “hard,” which refers to its mineral content. Long Island generally has hard water while New York City’s water generally is not considered hard, but you can get a rundown on the hardness of your neighborhood’s water by going to https://www.nyc.gov/site/dep/water/drinking-water-frequently-asked-questions.page
Clean filters
The tankless water heater has both a water filter and an air filter. They need to be cleaned periodically. While you’re at it, clean the outside of the tank to keep dirt and dust from finding their way inside.
Option B
Call a contractor to conduct a maintenance check. These tasks are part of the checklist for an annual maintenance review, which can maintain efficiency and add years of service to the water heater’s life expectancy.
For heating and cooling maintenance, call Premier HVAC. We serve Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Long Island.