Ventilation works best with busy fans

Two of your best friends for ventilation are the fans in your bathroom and kitchen. Fans bring fresher, cleaner air at little cost.

Don’t be reluctant to use them often. 

Don’t touch that thermostat!

What works for one appliance does not automatically work for another appliance.

Case in point: Yes, you can save energy by turning off lights.

But you won’t save energy by constantly turning your HVAC on and off.

Good news, bad news on prices

Manufacturers warn of price hikes

If you’re wondering whether to buy a new HVAC system, this item will help you see the pros and cons of waiting until next year.

That’s when manufacturers will raise prices of heating and cooling costs.

How to spell sustainability? VFR.

Sustainability is a very important word now, but our parents and grandparents knew it by different phrases.

“Get your money’s worth,” they said.

“Make it last.”

“Don’t waste anything.”

“Think ahead!”

Enjoy good humidity in all rooms

What’s better than a portable humidifier?
A whole-house humidifier that can be added to the existing cooling and heating system in your home or business.

No more moving a portable humidifier from room to room. No more daily maintenance.

Enjoy a warm, cozy bathroom

Floor heating will make your bathroom extra cozy and comfortable before or after you spend time outside in the blustery New York winter.

Heat pumps are improving

Heat pumps are getting better at delivering heat even when the temperatures dip below freezing.

This is a big step forward because heat pumps are excellent when it comes...

Vinegar and your HVAC

Vinegar may smell bad, but it has two good purposes with your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Many people already know that vinegar is great for cleaning out the drain line. 

Furnace tips for NYC winter

You can protect yourself against Old Man Winter by having a professional check your heating system now to see if it will keep your family safe and warm.

AC drain-line tips

The AC drain line is a small line on the outside of your house by your air conditioning unit. It’s also referred to as a condensate drain because it removes condensation from the evaporator coil

Don’t close those vents

Many people make an understandable mistake with their heating, ventilation and air conditioning. They close the vents, especially in unoccupied rooms, on the theory that they will save money.

Furnace hums too loud?

Chances are you never noticed that your furnace hums when it’s working well. But your ears will perk up if the hum gets louder, a signal that something could go wrong and leave you in the cold.

Our technicians are trained, experienced and licensed to install, maintain and repair commercial and residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment and to clean and inspect your chimney or ventilation shaft. Our team does excellent work, whether it’s handling traditional HVAC work or dealing with the quirks of brownstones, prewar buildings and other structures not easy to heat or cool.

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